New bagged aggregates from glensanda quarry now available from Rhugh Garbh

Rhugh Garbh marine depot

Located adjacent to Aggregate Industries’ super quarry, Glensanda, on the shores of Loch Creran. The site is open to the general public for card sales, and account customers, from 8.00am - 4.30pm Monday - Thursday, and from 8.00am - 4.00pm on Friday.


To arrange a collection, please contact the sales office on 01631 720849


Glensanda Quarry

Ariel view of Glensanda quarry

Bagged Granite

Bagged granite on a driveway

Bagged Aggregates

Bagged aggregates from Glensanda Quarry on pallets

Bagged Sand

Man holding Glensanda bagged sand

Bagged Granite

Bagged Granite from Glensanda quarry

Bagged Sand

Bagged sand from Glensanda quarry

Glensanda Quarry

Ariel view of Glensanda quarry

Bagged Granite

Bagged granite on a driveway

Bagged Aggregates

Bagged aggregates from Glensanda Quarry on pallets

Bagged Sand

Man holding Glensanda bagged sand

Rhugh Garbh depot launches bagged aggregates range from Glensanda super quarry

The Rhugh Garbh marine depot in Scotland is now selling locally sourced bagged aggregates from Glensanda quarry. The bagged range is available in a number of different sizes, from sand to sub base including washed stone. The granite products are ideal for use in a number of applications, from concrete designs to decorative displays and features. This range of aggregates is the perfect option for professional landscapers to DIYers.

A pre-order customer collection service is available upon request offering flexibility in meeting specific requirements and project demands.

The granite is packaged in tote bags made from durable, quality materials. Lifting tunnels are attached for forklift compatibility.

With an annual production capacity in excess of nine million tonnes, Glensanda is the largest granite quarry in Europe and the flagship site for Aggregate Industries. The quarry is located on the banks of Loch Linnhe and is unique in that it's only accessible by sea due to the surrounding rugged mountainous terrain. It's renowned for being one of the most efficient mineral extraction operations in the world, whereby granite is crushed at the top of the mountain, then fed into a hole taking the rock 300 metres down and out of sight into the core of the mountain, then through a 1.8km horizontal tunnel to the foreshore where the rock is washed, screened and stored ready for ship loading.

Rhugh Garbh location